Welcome to the Docent Training!
Please review the following videos (about 25 minutes worth) and documents (another half an hour to an hour) and be prepared to answer a quiz on them. The quiz will be easy commonly asked questions.
HCSCC_The Saint Johns Bible Brochure_May 18 Trifold RevisionA high level overview of our exhibit that has good summary info on the show. A good summary of what the exhibit is.
Elevator Speeches about The Saint Johns Bible Quick summary statements about the project
Media Fact Sheet – note there are sub-pages on this web page
Donald Jackson interview video
https://soundcloud.com/archstl/catholic-gateway-podcast-episode-19 – A great podcast that is an excellent use of your time.
Heritage exhibit video – we will have original pages, not the books but the content is excellent
People at SJU talk about the Bible video
Steamboat article on the Bible